Monday, August 29, 2011

Pictures from the day/yesterday + 1 video

Lots of funny shirts, they probably don't even know what some of them say. I'll try and post them if i have a chance to snag pics.

Had some traditional food last night really late. Some sorta sausage dish. It was pretty good.

Dunkin Donut's for an 'American' breakfast.

TECHNO MART - Huge electronics store that was like 12 stories. Too bad one of the computer parts I bought didn't work at all. And probably cant return them. I found what I needed at a "Frisbee" store. They are able to sell Mac products legit; it's basically an apple store.

My friend Alex at one of the subway stations; not sure which one but it was a hub.

Walked around the outdoor shopping center in Myeong-dong.

Sorry for this one mom, but this cracked me up to see.

These guys are all over the subway. He actually sold one of these pipe cleaner type devices to one gullible dude. 5 minutes later a tiny little lady was slanging packs of gum.

Everyone has a smart phone and listens to music on the subway. The only people who don't are really old and you will still catch them yelling way too loud on a phone call.

There are lots of clothing stores that are named after things that aren't even in the stores. I went skating off line 2 around Hongik University. I thought it wouldn't be so bad but it was reallllly humid. Ready for the cold weather to come already. People seemed shocked to see me skating through traffic and around people. You don't see boards very often. (i haven't)

Well I'm off to bed. I have to meet an administrator from my school outside Hanna Bank at 1pm tomorrow. Pretty sure I am going to get a bank account set-up and my physical and Alien Card Registration. party on. Kyle gets here tomorrow. I'm pumped.


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