Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday Boarding!

Went to Phoenix Park again on the 8pm Isu Bus.  Got in at 10pm and met my new Season-roommates.  We went out to go bowling but it was too crowded so we just hung out and has some beers.  I woke-up really early (didn't sleep well) and did my taxes. Lol. Then went riding. I didn't ride very well for some reason. I hit the boxes well but my game was off on the big jumps.   I felt a bit off without the Peacock*  around.

*my good friend John. aka Mr. 챠아아아아아아아 (CHAWWWWWWW)
---Checkout my next couple posts, I got my students to Chawwwww for his birthday.

Anyways, I'll be Boarding every weekend until the season closes sometime in March.  PSYCHED! Stay tuned folks...


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