Friday, February 24, 2012

HYUNA - Bubble Pop.... Banned in Korea!

I love this... Kpop at its finest!


My Brothers LIMO VW BUS - 1969/1976 Stretch VW Westfalia Project.... Must See!

After 3 months in SE Asia and the Philipenes, we're road tripping across the US and Canada in this bad boy. Stay tuned for updates.

Just dropped in a Toyota Camry engine from a totaled car. Interior and paint coming soon.

The song is Ryan's cover of: Tracy Chapman - "Fast Car"



Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy vday, a few weeks late... Hah

I just realized this was posted incorrectly on the wrong blog... Woops. The subway was a party for sure! Happy Birthday to Nana! Love you!!!
More posts coming I PROMISE!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blackout Korea

Found this guy outside a bar in Itaewon - Seoul, South Korea. Mind you it was -6 (Celsius) or so...
At least he's trying to be warm.


Sunday Boarding!

Went to Phoenix Park again on the 8pm Isu Bus.  Got in at 10pm and met my new Season-roommates.  We went out to go bowling but it was too crowded so we just hung out and has some beers.  I woke-up really early (didn't sleep well) and did my taxes. Lol. Then went riding. I didn't ride very well for some reason. I hit the boxes well but my game was off on the big jumps.   I felt a bit off without the Peacock*  around.

*my good friend John. aka Mr. 챠아아아아아아아 (CHAWWWWWWW)
---Checkout my next couple posts, I got my students to Chawwwww for his birthday.

Anyways, I'll be Boarding every weekend until the season closes sometime in March.  PSYCHED! Stay tuned folks...


Cheap Labor...

I have talked to many people about the low labor rate for basically any kind of physical job here in Korea. It's definitely true.  Took my scooter to the repair guy down the street today because it has been making some loud squeaky and choppy sounds in the front end.  Right there on the sidewalk outside the shop, he went to work.  Although it only took the old guy like 16 minutes to fix the squeak (grease the bearing, oil the joints, take apart the brake, and replace the pads) it only cost 10,000KRW. Thats less than 10 dollars!! Anyways I thought that was great. I also need to fix a few other cosmetic things on the bike (stupid cars like to hit me) 

Might teach a new class early in the morning come Mid March. 2-5 year olds. I would teach exercise, storytelling, arts and crafts, cooking, sing songs, and play games.  I find out Thursday if I get the gig.  I will be replacing one of my buddies because he is moving back to Quebec. 

More pictures and posts coming soon. My phone broke last week and I lost everything :( . Luckily I saved 80% of my phones pictures.  I need to buy a microSD card next...

-JC, Out!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


So I bought snowboard 3 weeks ago... Also picked up a season pass from a guy that broke his leg.. I got a good deal. Finally getting it back...

As far as the lack of blog... I'm sorry.

Side note, I'm starting to make my brother a website for his music...

Cheers, it's freezing today... -8


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