Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Weekend! Lot's of Pics - ENJOY

해피 할로윈!!!

So here are the pics from my Cell phone from Halloween. These are all of them. I didn't leave any out. Even the blurry ones made the cut. Makes everything more realistic right? Don't worry the cigs are part of the costume. I'm not a smoker. lol. It was crazy how many Korean's walked up to my friends and I and wanted pictures. Not everyone dresses up or celebrates this holiday. So they had a hayday and really soaked up our "Western" drunken culture.



 Gangnam at NB club. getting our hip-hop on. lol They pretty much played Dr. Dre the whole time...
 Mean Muggin
 They love to block their face (it's supposed to be cute, haha)

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