Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pec surgery

The doctor called to push my surgery up a week early... I had no objection and went to see my wrist dr to have my hard cast removed. Until I am able to get it X-rayed I must wear this plastic splint.

Here I am wearing my awesome socks. Supposed to wear them for 2 weeks to prevent blood clots.

Hopefully the second to last IV

Ready, set, go!!!!! Psyched!

Nauseated; No pain, the anesthesiologist used a nerve blocker just like my wrist rebuild. Took over 18 hrs to get feeling back in my right arm/hand.

My sweet Niece Ellie

The best medicine

My surgery was at 4:30pm. Got home at around 7... This was after I woke up the next day.

Sitting in the Drs office waiting to get the dressing changed and care instructions.

Feelin pretty good actually

Little did I know the doc was about to tell me I was to be immobilized for 4 weeks... 3 more to go. Ugh

Cheesin' being stagnant is definitely the worst thing to deal with...

Fresh dressing. You can see some bruising but the swelling didn't come till later the day after surgery. It's actually covered with Tegaderm, which waterproofs the area so I can shower.

My boy

My niece picked this out for me after surgery. What a sweetie eh?

Most recent pic of the sutures. Gotta call my doc tomorrow to find out when to come in and get the suture out. Technically it's one suture under the skin. Maybe 5 inches long.
Look for another update soon..
On a side note. A got a new car and I'm interning at a great company downtown. As long as I'm busy I'm happy! Can't wait to look for a spot downtown. TBC!
I'm out.

Location:I-25 S,Castle Rock,United States

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